20 types of non-fiction

Types of non-fiction literature encompass various forms and styles, including essays, memoirs, biographies, autobiographies, textbooks, self-help books and scientific books. This article will explore 20 different types of non-fiction literature and how they contribute to expanding knowledge, promoting critical thinking and fostering a deeper understanding of the world.

#1 Academic & education
#2 Biography/autobiography
#3 Business
#4 Cookbooks
#5 Essay collections
#6 Health & wellness
#7 History
#8 Hobby
#9 Memoir
#10 Nature & environment
#11 Parenting & family
#12 Photography & art
#13 Politics and current affairs
#14 Reference
#15 Religion & spirituality
#16 Self-help/personal development
#17 Scientific & technical
#18 Sports
#19 Travel
#20 True crime

What is non-fiction?

Non-fiction literature refers to texts that present factual information, ideas or analysis about real people, events, places or phenomena. Unlike fiction, which is primarily imaginary and often created for entertainment or artistic expression, non-fiction literature aims to inform, educate, persuade or document reality.

Non-fiction literature encompasses various forms and styles, including essays, memoirs, biographies, autobiographies, textbooks, self-help books and scientific books. It covers diverse subjects such as history, science, philosophy, politics, religion, health, travel and personal development.

The primary characteristic of non-fiction literature is its commitment to accuracy and truthfulness. While authors may interpret and analyse facts, they base their work on verifiable evidence and reliable sources. Non-fiction literature is crucial in expanding knowledge, promoting critical thinking and fostering a deeper understanding of the world.

#1 Academic and education

Academic and educational non-fiction provides essential knowledge, skills and resources for lifelong learning and academic achievement. Within the realm of types of non-fiction, these books serve as foundational tools for educators, students and self-learners across diverse subjects. Education literature offers structured pathways to knowledge acquisition and critical thinking, from math textbooks to language arts curriculum guides. As readers engage with the content and exercises, they cultivate intellectual curiosity and a passion for learning. Moreover, academic books explain scientific concepts to readers with a high level of knowledge of the book’s topics. Artificial Intelligence for DummiesGray’s Anatomy textbook and Longman Academic Writing by Alice Oshima are good examples of academic and educational non-fiction.

#2 Biography/autobiography

Within the types of non-fiction, biographies and autobiographies offer insights into the lives of remarkable individuals. Biographies detail the accomplishments, struggles and influences of historical figures or contemporary icons. Conversely, autobiographies are a subset of the types of non-fiction. They offer first-hand accounts penned by the individuals themselves, allowing readers to explore their journeys, motivations and ambitions. Bestselling biographies and autobiographies include Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, My Experiments with Truth (autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi) and The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.

#3 Business 

Amid the diverse types of non-fiction, business literature offers insights into the dynamics of commerce, finance and markets. From entrepreneurial success stories to economic theories, these books teach readers how to navigate the complexities of the business world. In addition, business books empower readers to make informed decisions, seize opportunities and thrive in the business world. For examples of business books, see Entreleadership by Dave Ramsey, Lean Startup by Eric Ries and Erin Meyer’s Culture Map.

#4 Cookbooks

Cookbooks and food writing offer a journey through culinary traditions, flavours and recipes. As a vibrant genre within non-fiction literature, these books celebrate food and its cultural significance. They offer insights into various cuisines, diets and lifestyles. Fantastic examples of popular cookbooks are Half Baked Harvest Every DayThe Oh She Glows Cookbook or Jazzy Vegetarian.

#5 Essay collections

Essay collections illustrate the depth of human thought. These collections offer diverse perspectives, insights and analyses. From reflections to critiques, essay collections showcase the complexities of the human experience. As an essential component of non-fiction, they invite readers to engage with complex ideas, sparking dialogue and intellectual exploration. Famous examples of essay collections include The Collected SchizophreniasI Hate Myselfie and A Collection of Essays by George Orwell.

#6 Health and wellness

Health and wellness literature helps readers prioritise self-care, well-being and mindful living. Among the diverse types of non-fiction, these books offer evidence-based insights, strategies and practices for nurturing the body, mind and spirit. From nutrition guides to mindfulness exercises, health literature promotes resilience, vitality and inner balance. As readers embark on their wellness journey, they discover the power of self-awareness and self-care, cultivating habits that support their long-term health and happiness. Eat Right for Your Blood TypeEat Fat Get Thin or How Not to Die are fantastic examples of health non-fiction.

#7 History

Within the types of non-fiction, history books serve as invaluable chronicles of the past, explaining the story of human civilisation. Through solid research and vivid storytelling, historians bring to life the victories, conflicts and transformations that have shaped societies. As a cornerstone of non-fiction literature, history books provide essential context and perspective. Moreover, they improve our understanding of our heritage and inform contemporary discourse and decision-making. SapiensThings We Make and Pathogenesis: A History of the World in Eight Plagues are examples of interesting history books.

#8 Hobby

Hobby books include a diverse range of non-fiction literature for enthusiasts seeking new interests. From gardening to model-building, these books offer comprehensive step-by-step instructions, tips, and creative ideas to hobbyists of all levels. Additionally, these books often delve into the history, techniques and cultural significance of various hobbies, offering readers a deeper appreciation for their pastimes. As readers immerse themselves in the pages of hobby books, they embark on a journey of self-expression and joy, finding joy and satisfaction in pursuing their interests. Try Mini FarmingEasy Origami or Pyrography Basics to find inspiration in hobby books.

#9 Memoir

Memoirs, a distinct form among types of non-fiction, serve as poignant reflections on personal experiences, emotions and growth. Through the prism of memory, authors weave narratives that capture pivotal moments or themes, offering readers intimate glimpses into their inner worlds. Furthermore, memoirs provide a deep human connection, fostering empathy and understanding across diverse perspectives and backgrounds. Try BecomingEducated or Eat, Pray, Love to get a taste of captivating memoirs.

#10 Nature and environment

Within the realm of types of non-fiction, literature on nature and the environment is a call to action and a celebration of the Earth’s splendour. From majestic landscapes to delicate ecosystems, these books offer insights into the wonders of the natural world and the urgent need for conservation. Readers can reflect on their relationship with nature and embrace sustainable practices, ensuring a harmonious coexistence for future generations. Brilliant examples of nature non-fiction include Fantastic FungiThe Nature Fix and The Forager’s Harvest.

#11 Parenting and family

Parenting and family books are resources for individuals navigating the complexities of raising children and fostering healthy family dynamics. These non-fiction works offer practical advice, evidence-based strategies and expert insights to support parents through every stage of their child’s development. For instance, they can discuss newborn care and toddler tantrums, challenges of adolescence, discipline, communication and building strong parent-child relationships. Additionally, family books explore broader topics such as marriage, sibling dynamics and intergenerational relationships, offering readers tools to nurture a harmonious and supportive family environment. Try The Danish Way of Parenting, 1-2-3 Magic Book or The Power of Showing Up as examples of great parenting and family non-fiction.

#12 Photography and art

Photography and art literature celebrates visual beauty, diversity and expressive power. Within the realm of types of non-fiction, these books showcase iconic artworks, artists and photographic techniques, offering insights into their historical context and artistic significance. From Renaissance masterpieces to contemporary photography, art and photography literature inspire wonder and appreciation for the creative spirit. This type of non-fiction is sometimes called coffee table books. They are usually large, expensive, richly illustrated books for casual reading. For instance, you may find The Bucket ListTom Ford or Made for Living on coffee tables in living rooms worldwide. 

#13 Politics and current affairs

Politics and current affairs literature provides insights into the structures, ideologies and dynamics of governance and societal change. Within the types of non-fiction, these books analyse political figures, systems, movements and key events, offering perspectives on important issues and their implications for the future. Politics and current affairs literature inform and engage readers, empowering them to participate in civic discourse and shape the course of society. For instance, grab Team of RivalsThe Origins of Political Order or Twilight of Democracy to try out political non-fiction.

#14 Reference books

Reference books include dictionaries, encyclopedias, how-to guides and atlases. They provide quick access to information and offer concise explanations, definitions and instructions on a wide range of subjects.

Dictionaries are fundamental language tools, offering definitions, spellings and usage examples for words and phrases. Encyclopedias compile vast amounts of knowledge across diverse fields, offering comprehensive overviews of topics ranging from history and science to arts and culture. How-to guides offer step-by-step instructions and practical advice for accomplishing tasks and mastering skills. Atlases provide detailed maps and geographical information about landscapes, regions and landmarks. The Elements of Style, The Official SCRABBLE Players Dictionary and Mythology are examples of helpful reference books.

#15 Religion and spirituality

Religion and spirituality literature offers insights into diverse faith traditions and spiritual philosophies. From sacred texts to contemporary reflections, religion literature inspires contemplation and a deeper connection to the divine. As readers navigate the complexities of belief and meaning, they embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Among others, The Immortality KeyInstitutes of the Christian Religion or The Great Cosmic Mother are examples of religion and spirituality non-fiction.

#16 Self-help/personal development

Among the non-fiction types, self-help and personal development books offer tools and strategies for individual growth and fulfilment. These books empower readers to navigate life’s challenges, cultivate resilience and unlock their potential. Within the landscape of types of non-fiction, self-help literature spans diverse topics, from relationship advice to mindfulness practices, catering to the multifaceted dimensions of human existence. Try Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus NerveThe Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck and Ikigai for some great self-help books.

#17 Scientific and technical

Scientific and technical books form a cornerstone of non-fiction literature, offering readers a gateway to understanding the intricacies of the natural world and the advancements of human innovation. Scientific books provide in-depth explorations of fundamental principles, discoveries and phenomena. In addition, they present rigorous analyses and empirical evidence to support their claims. Technical books, on the other hand, delve into practical applications of scientific knowledge. For instance, they offer insights into cutting-edge technologies, methodologies and tools. From programming languages to engineering design, technical books equip readers with the skills and knowledge to tackle real-world challenges and drive innovation. Technical and scientific non-fiction examples include Trading: Technical Analysis MasterclassBlack Holes or Normal Accidents.

#18 Sports

Sports literature celebrates athletic competition, teams and the sports industry. Within the realm of types of non-fiction, these books offer captivating narratives, profiles and insights into sports culture and history. From biographies of famous athletes to how-to guides for novice players, sports literature inspires passion and resilience. Moreover, as readers immerse themselves in the triumphs and challenges of athletic pursuits, they discover the transformative power of sportsmanship, perseverance and the pursuit of excellence. Kobe Bryant’s The Mamba MentalityShoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike and The Boys in the Boat are example of sports non-fiction.

#19 Travel

Amidst the diverse types of non-fiction, travel non-fiction offers vivid journeys into distant lands, cultures and experiences. Travel writers transport readers to far-away places through vivid descriptions and personal stories, . It invites them to explore the world’s wonders. As a genre within non-fiction literature, travel books inspire curiosity, fostering cultural exchange and appreciation for the diversity of our planet. Try Destinations of a Lifetime50 States, 5,000 Ideas and Travels with Charley in Search of America for good travel non-fiction.

#20 True crime

True crime literature inspires readers with gripping narratives of real-life mysteries, investigations and courtroom dramas. Within the realm of types of non-fiction, these books delve into the darkest recesses of the human psyche, exploring the motivations behind criminal behaviour and the operations of the justice system. From infamous cold cases to high-profile trials, true crime literature offers a compelling blend of suspense, intrigue and psychological insight, captivating audiences and sparking conversations about morality and justice. Try Killers of the Flower MoonMindhunter or Bad Blood for some true crime thrills.

How to prepare non-fiction for publication?

Preparing a non-fiction book for publication involves several crucial steps to ensure its quality and readiness for readers. The process typically begins with detailed editing and revision to refine the manuscript.

First, self-editing is essential. Authors should review their work for clarity, coherence and accuracy, addressing inconsistencies or errors. Next, hiring a professional editor is advisable. Editors specialising in different non-fiction types, such as academic, memoir, or business, offer valuable insights and expertise in refining the manuscript to meet publishing standards and audience expectations.

Developmental editing focuses on the book’s structure, organisation and content, ensuring it effectively communicates the intended message or information. Line editing involves refining the prose by improving clarity, flow and style. Next, copyediting focuses on grammar, punctuation, spelling and consistency. Finally, proofreading is the final stage, checking for any remaining errors before publication.

In addition to editing services, authors may also consider hiring a professional indexer who specialises in creating comprehensive indexes tailored to the specific content and structure of the non-fiction book, ensuring readers can easily navigate and reference key topics and information.

Key takeaways

Nineteen types of non-fiction aim at informing, inspiring and enriching our understanding of the world. Non-fiction literature is committed to truth and accuracy, grounded in verifiable evidence and reliable sources.

Academic and educational works lay the foundation for learning, while biographies and autobiographies offer intimate insights into remarkable lives. Business books empower readers to navigate the complexities of commerce, while cookbooks celebrate culinary traditions. Essay collections provoke thought and dialogue, and history books chronicle human civilisation. Hobby books inspire creativity, and memoirs offer reflections on personal experiences. Nature literature inspires us to protect our planet, while parenting and family books provide support and guidance. Photography and art literature celebrate visual culture; politics and current affairs books engage readers in civic discourse. Religious non-fiction inspire reflection, and self-help books empower personal growth. Scientific and technical works delve into the secrets of the natural world, while sports literature celebrates athletic achievement. Travel literature transports us to new destinations, and true crime stories captivate with real-life mysteries.

Contact me for a free sample edit of your non-fiction manuscript (and remember to use my early bird discount). I am an experienced editor working with non-fiction, academic and business texts. I can help prepare your text for publication, from a big-picture analysis through highlighting your authorial voice to ensuring the correctness and consistency of the language.

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I am an editor, indexer and a lifelong lover of literature with a PhD in literary history. I am an Intermediate Member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading, a student member of the Society of Indexers and a vetted partner of the Alliance of Independent Authors.