Qualitative and quantitative methods
Qualitative and quantitative methods meet distinct research needs with unique approaches and applications. Qualitative methods explore human experiences, behaviours and…
What is the research methodology?
Research methodology refers to the systematic approach, procedures and techniques employed by researchers to identify, select, process and analyse information…
Abstract vs introduction
The abstract summarises the entire paper, including the research question, methods, key findings and conclusion, in a concise paragraph. The…
Presenting research findings
Presenting research findings is the process of sharing the results of a study in a clear, structured and accessible way.…
What is research hypothesis?
A research hypothesis is a specific, testable prediction about the expected outcome of a study. It articulates a relationship between…
Research topic selection guide: Key steps, tools and tips
A research topic is a specific subject or area of interest that a researcher aims to investigate, analyse or explore…
3 types of thesis statements
3 types of thesis statements form the foundation of academic writing and guide the structure and direction of research papers,…
Systematic review vs literature review
The difference between systematic review vs literature review lies in the structured, thorough methodology of a systematic review, which comprehensively…
Writing an academic book
To write an academic book, the researcher should start by identifying a clear research focus or argument based on thorough…
How to write a technical report?
To write a technical report, first define your purpose and audience, then structure the report with clear sections such as…