29 best advance reader copy sites for your book promotion

An advance reader copy (ARC) site is a platform where readers can sign up to receive ARCs of upcoming books in exchange for reviews. Independent authors or publishers may use ARCs to create hype and garner early reviews for the upcoming book release. Leveraging advance reader copy sites to gain reviews from readers, including book reviewers, bloggers, book buyers, journalists, celebrities or experts in the book’s subject matter registered with these platforms.

This article provides a review of 29 best advance reader copy sites, including their pricing and marketing reach, to help you choose which site suits the needs of your book and budget. So keep reading to learn which site suits the needs of your book and budget.

Amazon Prime Reading | BookishFirst | BookFunnel | BookRoar | BookSirens | Booksprout | BookSweeps | BookTasters | Edelweiss | Advanced Copies for Review | Goodreads ARC of Authors | Goodreads Authors & Reviewers | Goodreads FREE BOOKS for Book Lovers | Goodreads Making Connections | Goodreads Read 4 Review | Goodreads Reviewer’s Group | Hidden Gems | Indie View | LibraryThing | NetGalley | Prolific Works | PublishDrive | Reading Deals | Reedsy Discovery | Rockstar Book Tours | Shelf Awareness | StoryOrigin | TLC Book Tours

What is an advance reader copy?

An ARC (advance reader copy) is a copy of a book that independent authors and publishers give out to create hype and garner early reviews before the book’s official release. You might also hear this copy referred to as an advance reader’s edition, galley or review copy. Typically, publishers and authors send these copies to book reviewers, bloggers, book buyers, journalists, celebrities or experts in the book’s subject matter. ARCs are often part of a book’s pre-launch promotion. To attract readers and reviews and generate publicity, they are distributed to advance copy reader sites.
Additionally, ARCs might still have typos, incomplete illustrations and no dust jacket, and the formatting and binding might still need to be finalised. Furthermore, compared to finished books, ARCs are less expensive to produce as they are not the complete version of the book. For example, if the book is to be published as a hardcover, the ARC will be a paperback. ARCs are usually distributed in 3–6 months before the official release date.

How do advance reader copies help to promote your book?

Advance reader copies can be valuable for book promotion in several ways:

Generate early buzz: ARCs allow a select group of readers, including reviewers, bloggers and influencers, to read the book before its official release. Positive reviews and buzz generated during this pre-release period can create anticipation and excitement among potential readers.

Reviews and testimonials: Reviews from readers who received ARCs can serve as testimonials for the book. Positive reviews, especially from reputable sources, can influence potential readers and build credibility for the author and the work. They may also be placed on the book’s cover.

Word-of-mouth marketing: ARCs can stimulate word-of-mouth marketing as readers share their thoughts and recommendations with their networks. This organic sharing can reach a broader audience and create a snowball effect regarding book visibility.

Social media presence: Readers who receive ARCs often share their experiences on social media platforms, reaching a wider audience. This can include tweets, Instagram and Facebook posts and other user-generated content contributing to the book’s online presence.

Author engagement: Engaging with readers who have received ARCs can foster a sense of community and loyalty. Authors can interact with these readers through social media or mailing lists, thanking them for their reviews, addressing questions and building a relationship beyond the book release. In this capacity, ARCs often function as reader magnets

Boost sales: The positive attention generated by ARCs can contribute to increased sales when the book is officially released. Potential readers who come across reviews and recommendations may be more inclined to purchase the book. 

Feedback for improvement: ARCs also allow authors and publishers to receive constructive feedback before the official release. This feedback can be valuable for making final edits, addressing potential issues and ensuring the book is in its best possible form before reaching a wider audience.

What are the best advance reader copy sites?

This section features 29 advance reader copy sites — large and small, with free and paid promotion plans. Read on to learn which site suits the needs of your book and budget.

Amazon Prime Reading

Amazon Prime Reading is technically not an ARC site but offers similar benefits to authors. It allows authors to showcase their ebooks to Amazon’s most engaged readers and provides Amazon Prime readers with access to a changing selection of titles for free. Authors can nominate one title at a time for Prime Reading, an exclusive promotional program for books enrolled in KDP Select. 

Guaranteed reviewsNo

Pricing: Free

Marketing reach: Amazon Prime Reading leverages the extensive reach of Amazon’s Prime membership, which includes over 200 million subscribers worldwide across 23 countries. This extensive user base enhances the visibility and accessibility of the Prime Reading service. For instance, Prime Day 2023 alone drove sales of over $12.9 billion and contributed significantly to the $35.22 billion in annual revenue from Prime subscriptions​. However, no stats support the actual reach of books promoted through Amazon Prime Reading. 


BookFunnel is a comprehensive tool for authors, particularly useful for distributing ARCs. It offers features like secure, watermarked file delivery via certified mail, which allows sending personalised, non-shareable links to up to 500 readers per month, ensuring ease of access and reducing piracy risks​​.

Pricing$20/$100/$250 per year
Guaranteed reviewsNo

Pricing: Pricing for BookFunnel is structured in 3 tiers:

  1. First-Time Author plan at $20 per year
  2. Mid-List Author plan at $100 per year
  3. Bestseller Author plan at $250 per year

Additionally, integrating BookFunnel with mailing lists costs an extra $50 per year, making the most popular plan (Mid-List + Integration) $150 per year​​. This pricing structure provides flexibility for authors at different stages of their careers.

Marketing reach: BookFunnel supports group promotions and author swaps, enabling authors to collaborate and expand their reach by sharing each other’s books with their respective audiences​​. However, BookFunnel is a toolbox rather than a platform where the authors can find ARC reviewers. It facilitates the delivery of the ARCs to readers found by the author or publisher through other channels.


Bookish First, one of the advance reader copy sites

BookishFirst is a platform where readers can win free advance copies of books in exchange for providing feedback and reviews. BookishFirst holds weekly book raffles, the prize of which is the ARC. To enter the raffle, the readers must first read an excerpt of the book and write a mini review. They are further encouraged to publish a review of the complete book via the points system.

Guaranteed reviewsYes

Pricing: Free

Marketing reach: It may be challenging to assess BookishFirst’s actual marketing reach. They do not disclose the number of active reviewers or the number of books reviewed via the platform. The BookishFirst account has 52,000 followers on Facebook and posts the current raffles and other updates daily. Furthermore, one of the threads of their forum is for ARC swaps or giveaways, which can also help spread the word about your book.


BookRoar enables self-publishing authors to obtain reviews and promote their books by facilitating honest feedback through a credit-based review exchange system. This platform aims to increase book visibility and sales by accumulating more reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.

Guaranteed reviewsNo

Pricing: Free. Creating an account on BookRoaR is free. Authors earn credits by reviewing other books, which they can then use to get their books reviewed.

Marketing reach: BookRoar connects authors with a community of readers who provide genuine reviews, leveraging the power of word-of-mouth and social proof to enhance the book’s discoverability and credibility. However, the number of reviewers/authors using the platform is not public.


BookSirens is a platform that connects authors and publishers with potential reviewers, allowing authors to set up and manage advance reader copy distributions. Furthermore, this advance reader copy site is a vetted platform of the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi).

Pricing$100 per year / $10 per ARC + $2 per reader
Guaranteed reviewsNo

Pricing: BookSirens offer 2 pricing models: per author or per ARC. The per-author option costs $100 and allows the author to promote unlimited ARCs on this site. The second option, per ARC, costs $10 per ARC plus $2 per every reader who downloads the book. Moreover, they offer a free 90-day trial.

Marketing reach: BookSirens boasts of working with over 5,000 authors and over 30,000 book reviewers and influencers. BookSirens charges per reader (and not per review) and does not guarantee reviews. However, they claim that typically, about 75% of readers who download a book on BookSirens post a review.


Booksprout is an advance reader copy site that connects authors with readers willing to review their books. This ARC review platform was started by a self-publishing author Chris Leippi in 2015.

Booksprout, one of the advance reader copy sites
Pricing$90 / $190 / $290 per year
Guaranteed reviewsNo

Pricing: Booksprout offers 3 plans, which differ in the number of active review campaigns and the number of reviews per campaign included (plus access to additional features):

  1. Growing Author: $90 per year, 1 active review campaign + 25 reviewers per campaign
  2. Pro Author: $190 per year, 3 active review campaigns + 50 reviewers per campaign
  3. Bestselling Author: $229, unlimited campaigns and reviewers

Marketing reach: This advance reader copy site has over 65,000 active reviewers, with over 1.3 million reviews on Amazon, Bookbub and Goodreads. In addition, the site features numerous testimonials from authors, reviewers and publishers attesting to the success of the Booksprout ARC reviews. Booksprout does not guarantee reviews but claims that authors can expect about 8 reviews for every 10 readers.


BookSweeps regularly organises genre-specific book promotions, such as cosy mysteries, historical fiction or contemporary romance, where authors can offer ARCs as part of a larger book bundle, reaching a broader audience.

Pricing$45 per
promotion or $50 / $90 per year
Guaranteed reviewsNo

Pricing: To participate in the BookSweeps book promotion, you need to offer 2 copies of your ARC and pay $45. BookSweeps also offer 2 annual subscription options:

  1. Premium: $50 per year (promote 3 freebies + 15% off all promotions)
  2. Premium Plus: 90% per year (everything in Premium + 25% off all promotions + 1 promotion)

Marketing reach: ARC promotion is one of the author marketing services BookSweeps offers. They specialise in lead generation and increasing author discoverability. The platform does not publicise the number of book reviewers or subscribers registered. However, they claim that joining their ARC promotions offers the authors the chance to increase their Amazon or Bookbub following from 0 to 200 followers (or more) in less than 2 weeks.


BookTasters connects authors with a community of reviewers on social media platforms, primarily Twitter. Authors can submit their books to BookTasters, which then matches them with reviewers who are interested in their genre. This platform focuses on fostering relationships between authors and reviewers to facilitate honest and constructive reviews.

Guaranteed reviewsYes

Pricing: Pricing is undisclosed, but based at comments and reviews of BookTasters online, authors need to pay for reviews.

Marketing reach: BookTasters has a substantial reach within the Twitter community, boasting 80,000 followers. They also claim to have over 600 active reviewers and over 10,000 successful reader-author connections. (But what do these ‘connections’ mean remains unexplained).


Edelweiss caters predominantly to publishers (but authors can also use it to promote their books). This ARC site allows authors and publishers to distribute advance reader copies so reviewers and industry professionals can access pre-publication copies of books for review and promotional purposes. Moreover, it is one of the best-known and largest ARC sites.

Edelweiss, one of the advance reader copy sites
Pricing$99 per year + $50 per title
Guaranteed reviewsNo
Publishing professionals70,000+

Pricing: Publishers and authors pay $99 annually to activate review copies and a $50 fee per title uploaded. Audiobook review copies are included with this subscription at no additional cost.

Marketing reach: Edelweiss has over 200,000+ book professionals using their platform, including over 130,000 reviewers and 33,000 librarians. Importantly, this ARC platform does not guarantee book reviews.

Goodreads Advanced Copies for Review & Book Giveaways

Advanced Copies for Review & Book Giveaways group helps authors and reviewers connect. It aims to get the word out about new books by promoting book listings and e-read giveaways.

Guaranteed reviewsNo
Subscribers (reviewers + authors)14,405

Pricing: Free

Marketing reach: The group has over 14,000 members. However, it is not clear how many of them are book reviewers. It is also unknown how established the potential reviewers are in terms of social media following, etc. It also has a digital bookshelf containing 176 reviewed books. It may be a good indicator of the group’s activity but does not necessarily illustrate the reach or impact of the reviews on the book promotion.

Goodreads ARC Of Authors

ARC Of Authors connects fiction writers with reviewers before the book’s official launch. The group calls for free ARCs on select electronic formats (such as Kindle).

Guaranteed reviewsNo
Subscribers (reviewers + authors)3,902

Pricing: Free

Marketing reach: The group has nearly 4,000 members. However, it is not clear how many of them are book reviewers. It is also unknown how established the potential reviewers are in terms of social media following, etc.

Goodreads Authors & Reviewers

Goodreads Authors & Reviewers group helps authors promote their books and get honest reviews. The group also organises events such as a featured author program or member of the month.

Guaranteed reviewsNo
Subscribers (reviewers + authors)8,761

Pricing: Free

Marketing reach: The group has over 8,500 members. However, it is not clear how many of them are book reviewers. It is also unknown how established the potential reviewers are in terms of social media following, etc.

Goodreads FREE BOOKS for Book Lovers

FREE BOOKS for Book Lovers helps authors in the publishing process and provides book lovers with free books. It specifically calls for ARCs and polished manuscripts.

Guaranteed reviewsNo
Subscribers (reviewers + authors)3,883

Pricing: Free

Marketing reach: The group has nearly 4,000 members. However, it is not clear how many of them are book reviewers. It is also unknown how established the potential reviewers are in terms of social media following, etc.

Goodreads Making Connections

Goodreads Making Connection, one of the advance reader copy sites

Goodreads group Making Connections allows authors, bloggers, publishers and reviewers to connect, find followers and ask for help. Making Connections helps authors from various genres request reviews, which they can do by offering ARCs.

Guaranteed reviewsNo
Subscribers (reviewers + authors)14,225

Pricing: Free

Marketing reach: Making Connections has over 14,000 members. However, it is not clear how many of them are book reviewers. The group also has a blog publishing interviews with authors, book giveaways and excerpts.

Goodreads Read 4 Review

Goodreads Read 4 Review group connects reviewers with available ARC ebooks for review.

Guaranteed reviewsNo
Subscribers (reviewers + authors)4,961

Pricing: Free

Marketing reach: The group has nearly 5,000 members. However, it is not clear how many of them are book reviewers.

Goodreads Reviewers’ Group

Goodreads Reviewers’ Group brings together reviewers and authors together across various genres. However, it is not clear how many of them are book reviewers. It is also unknown how established the potential reviewers are regarding social media following, etc.

Guaranteed reviewsNo
Subscribers (reviewers + authors)11,891

Pricing: Free

Marketing reach: The group has nearly 12,000 members. However, it is not clear how many of them are book reviewers.

Hidden Gems ARC Program

Hidden Gems Books runs the Hidden Gems ARC Program, which connects authors with avid readers interested in receiving free or discounted books in exchange for Amazon reviews.

Hidden Gems, one of the advance reader copy sites
Pricingfrom $20 per 10 readers
Guaranteed reviewsNo
Reviewers ?
Authors ?

Pricing: Hidden Gems Books’ pricing model is based on the number of readers who will read your book (rather than the number of reviewers). The pricing starts from $20 for 10 readers and increases with every 5 additional readers. For instance, the price for 15 readers is $35, for 25 readers — $65, for 50 readers — $140 and so on. Sometimes, Hidden Gems Books may include a few extra readers who are generally new to the platform for free.

Marketing reach: This ARC platform does not guarantee any reviews. Although the Hidden Gems ARC Program claims to have thousands of readers/reviewers interested in all book genres, the platform does not disclose their specific number. Furthermore, Hidden Gems claims an average review rate of 80% — supposedly an extremely high ARC review success rate.

Indie View — Indie Reviewers List

The Indie View offers a service called Indie Reviewers List, which connects indie authors with potential reviewers.

Guaranteed reviewsNo

Pricing: Free

Marketing reach: The Indie Reviewers List includes 9,300 active book reviewers who do not charge for their reviews and are not affiliated with a publisher. Authors can reach out directly to the reviewers requesting ARC reviews. Moreover, an Indie Author List features authors who have achieved at least one 4-star review from one of the reviewers listed on the Indie Reviewers List.

LibraryThing Early Reviewers

LibraryThing offers a free Early Reviewers program where authors and publishers can provide advance reader copies in exchange for reviews.

LibraryThing Early Reviewers, one of the advance reader copy sites
Guaranteed reviewsNo
Subscribers (reviewers + authors) 100,000

Pricing: Free

Marketing reach: LibraryThing Early Reviewers has nearly 100,000 members and over one million recipients of LibraryThing’s monthly newsletter. However, LibraryThing does not specify how many among 100,000 members are active book reviewers (and how many are authors and publishers). Their other potentially promising statistics for book promotion include over 2.9 million platform members and over 5 million reviews written.


NetGalley is a platform that provides digital galleys (advance reader copies) of books to reviewers, librarians and professionals in the publishing industry for pre-publication reviews. The platform works with over 300 publishers in North America, the UK, Australia, Germany, France and Japan to promote and market new books.

Net Galley
Pricing$550 per ARC for 6 months
Guaranteed reviewsNo
Publishing professionals?

Pricing: Explicit information pricing for authors is not easy to find on NetGalley, but you can locate it in the Member Knowledge Base section. In addition, this advance reader copy site offers a marketing program in partnership with the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA). IBPA members can promote their ebook ARC for $299 for 3 months or $499 for 6 months. A bundle of an ebook and audiobook promotion costs $449 for 3 months.

Marketing reach: Apparently, thousands of authors and publishers and hundreds of thousands of reviewers use NetGalley. Unfortunately, NetGalley does not provide specific statistics like so many advance reader copy sites.

Prolific Works

Prolific Works is a platform designed to help authors distribute digital copies of their books, particularly ARCs, to readers. It enables authors to build their mailing lists by offering free books to readers in exchange for joining the author’s mailing list. The platform also supports book giveaways and facilitates the discovery of new authors by readers.

PricingFree or $20 / $50 per month
Guaranteed reviewsNo

Pricing: Prolific Works offers 3 pricing plans:

  1. Basic Plan: Free, with limited features
  2. Plus Plan: $20 per month
  3. Premium Plan: $50 per month

Marketing reach: Prolific Works boasts of having a broad reach with a large community of readers and authors; however, no actual numbers of authors or reviewers working with the platform are public.


PublishDrive is a comprehensive self-publishing platform that helps authors distribute their books to over 400 stores and 240,000 libraries worldwide. It offers tools for managing book distribution, marketing and sales analytics, making it easier for authors to reach a global audience.

Pricing$9.99 / $16.99 / $49.99 / $99.99 per month
Guaranteed reviewsNo

Pricing: PublishDrive operates on a subscription-based model:

  1. Starter: $9.99 per month for max. 2 books
  2. Standard: $16.99 per month for max. 6 books
  3. Plus: $49.99 per month for max. 24 books
  4. Pro: $99.99 per month for max. 48 books

Marketing reach: PublishDrive has a significant marketing reach due to its extensive distribution network. It provides access to major eBook retailers such as Amazon, Apple Books, Google Play and Kobo. Specific numbers of registered authors and reviewers are not publicly detailed; however, the platform claims to have 300,000 users.

Reading Deals

Reading Deals is a promotional platform that offers discounted and free (mostly fiction) book promotions. Authors can submit their books for consideration, including ARCs.

PricingFree or $29 per ARC
Guaranteed reviewsNo

Pricing: Reading Deals has 2 pricing options:

  1. Free option does not guarantee promotion on the platform.
  2. For $29 per ARC, the platform offers guaranteed promotion.

Marketing reach: Reading Deals claims over 29,000 readers registered with the platform and over 135,000 Twitter followers. However, as of January 2024, their X (Twitter) account is suspended. On Facebook, they have 22,000 followers. Also, the reviews are not guaranteed.

Reedsy Discovery

Reedsy Discovery is a part of the popular platform for indie writers that connects authors with early readers and reviewers. Authors can submit their books for consideration, and if selected, Reedsy provides them with a platform to distribute digital copies to a network of reviewers.

Pricing$50 per ARC review
Guaranteed reviewsNo

Pricing: Reedsy charges $50 per ARC review. In other words, for $50, you will receive only one review of your ARC (and reviews are not guaranteed). Also, if your book is rejected by a reviewer, for instance, when considered not ready for review, Reedsy will not refund the submission fee. Instead, you will receive some editorial feedback from the reviewer. When ready to resubmit the edited ARC, you will need to pay $50 again.

Marketing reach: When submitted to Reedsy Discovery, your book will become available to over 3,000 reviewers registered on the platform. Furthermore, Reedsy claims to have thousands of newsletter subscribers who receive weekly updates with the most up-voted titles featured on their homepage.

Rockstar Book Tours

Rockstar Book Tours is a company that specialises in organising book tours, cover reveals and other promotional events for authors. They focus on young adult, middle-grade and kidlit genres and adult sci-fi and fantasy. Rockstar Book Tours allows authors to promote their books through various channels, including blog tours, social media promotions and giveaways.

Pricing$25–$200 depending on tour type
Guaranteed reviewsNo
ReviewersMin. 20 per tour

Pricing: Tours start from $25, and several tour types and options exist:

  • Cover or Trailer Reveal: $25bookstagrammers and bookTok.
  • Release Day or Release Week Book Blitz: $25
  • Social Media Blitz: $25–$50
  • 10–Stop Blog Only Tour: $50
  • 15–Stop Hybrid Tour: $75
  • 15–20-Stop Blog Only Tour: $100
  • 20–25-Stop Hybrid Tour: $125.
  • 1-Month Tour or more than 25 stops: $200

Marketing reach: The site will contact at least 20 bloggers to participate in cover and trailer reveals. However, the following and standing of these bloggers are not disclosed.

Shelf Awareness

Shelf Awareness is a publishing industry newsletter that sometimes offers ARCs and galley copies to its readers and subscribers. They send galleys out for review consideration but do not guarantee reviews.

Shelf Awareness, one of the advance reader copy sites
Guaranteed reviewsNo
Subscribers 645,000
Publishing professionals37,000

Pricing: Free

Marketing reach: Shelf Awareness trade professional readers comprise 37,000 booksellers (indie, Barnes & Noble, Amazon), librarians and publishing professionals. Moreover, 645,000 readers and reviewers are registered with the platform. Shelf Awareness claims that a majority of the subscriber base are people who signed up for their local independent bookstore’s mailing list, so they are very engaged book lovers. Still, we do not know the number of active reviewers. Moreover, Shelf Awareness sends ARCS out for review consideration but does not guarantee reviews.

Story Origin

StoryOrigin is a robust platform for authors that offers a range of tools designed to simplify the marketing and distribution of books and ARCs. It provides a system for distributing ARCs and managing beta readers, allowing authors to send review copies, track who leaves reviews and automate follow-up emails, ensuring an efficient review process​​.

Pricing$10 per month or $100 per year
Guaranteed reviewsNo

Pricing: StoryOrigin offers a flexible pricing model with a free plan that includes basic features like creating universal book links and integrating email service providers. The paid plan, priced at $10 per month or $100 per year, includes advanced features like cross-promotions, review copy management and audiobook promo code distribution.

Marketing reach: StoryOrigin offers group promotions and newsletter swaps, which can help authors collaborate to promote each other’s books, significantly expanding their audience. However, this ARC site is a toolbox facilitating the distribution and management of ARCs rather than a platform where authors can find ARC reviewers.

TLC Book Tours

TLC Book Tours is a promotional tool for authors to connect with readers via virtual book tours of well-read book blogs and speciality blogs.

Guaranteed reviewsYes
Reviewers10–15 per tour

Pricing: The official pricing is undisclosed on the Book Tours website. According to this interview with the TLC Book Tours team, the cost of a blog tour varies from $549 for a 10-blog tour and $699 for a 15-blog tour.

Marketing reach: Instagram tours will have a minimum of 10 hosts with a minimum of 10,000 followers or 15 hosts with a minimum of 15,000 followers. The book will be reviewed and featured during a review tour by at least 10 or 15 book reviewers.

Xpresso Book Tours

Xpresso Book Tours specialise in organising virtual book tours for authors, which includes arranging blog reviews, author interviews, guest posts and promotional events. It helps authors reach new audiences by leveraging its network of bloggers and social media influencers.

Guaranteed reviewsYes, depending on the package

Pricing: Xpresso Book Tours offers several tour packages:

  • Book Blitz: $90 for a 1-day event with multiple blog stops
  • Rock the Block: $120, a 15-stop tour
  • Rock the Town: $170, a 20-stop tour
  • Rock the World: $225, a 25-stop tour
  • Bookstagram Tour: $120, 10–15 bookstagammers involved in book promotion
  • NetGalley Packages: 1 month for $65; 3 months for $180

Marketing reach: Xpresso Book Tours works with an undisclosed number of bloggers and influencers. They have an extensive social media following, including Goodreads, Instagram, Facebook and X (Twitter). They also claim to have an average of over 25,000 monthly page views.

How do you optimise your ARC for book promotion?

Before uploading your book to one of the advance reader copy sites, it is crucial to ensure that it stands out for all the right reasons. While ARC readers play a valuable role in spotting final typos and mistakes, an editor can be your partner in the heavy lifting, addressing significant, big-picture issues that can elevate your manuscript. Here is how different editing services, such as developmental editing, line editing and indexing, can transform your ARC and set the stage for a successful book promotion.

Developmental editing

Developmental editing is the backbone of a well-structured and engaging narrative. This level of editing delves into the fundamental elements of your manuscript, addressing plot coherence, character development and overall story arc. For your ARC, this means presenting a compelling storyline that captures your readers’ attention from the first page to the last.


  • Enhanced story flow: A developmental editor ensures that your ARC flows seamlessly, offering readers a captivating experience.
  • Character depth: Craft well-rounded characters that resonate with your audience, fostering a deeper connection.

Line editing

Line editing focuses on refining the language and style of your manuscript. This step ensures clarity, coherence and authenticity in your writing. For your ARC, it means presenting a polished version of your story that not only communicates effectively but also leaves a lasting impression.


  • Elevated prose: Craft sentences that resonate, creating an immersive reading experience for your ARC recipients.
  • Consistent tone: Maintain a consistent tone throughout your manuscript, enhancing the overall reading experience.


While often overlooked, indexing plays a crucial role in non-fiction works. For ARCs that involve complex information, a professional indexer ensures that your readers can navigate your content with ease.


  • Reader-friendly navigation: Enable readers to find specific information effortlessly, enhancing the usability of your non-fiction ARC.
  • Professional presentation: Demonstrate attention to detail by including a well-organised index, showcasing the professionalism of your work.

Final thoughts

In sum, advance reader copies can play a significant role in promoting your upcoming book release. They can generate early buzz, foster word-of-mouth marketing, boost sales and provide constructive feedback for improvement. However, to make the most of your ARCs, it is essential to ensure they are high-quality and free of substantial errors. That is where editing services come in. Professional editors can help you polish your manuscript and ensure your ARCs are ready for promotional activities. So if you are an independent author or publisher, consider investing in editing services to prepare your ARCs and give your book the best chance of success.

I am an experienced editor working with non-fiction, academic and business books. If you need a second pair of eyes preparing your manuscript for book launch, contact me for a free sample edit (and remember to use my early bird discount).

Good luck with your book promotion!

Photo of author


I am an experienced editor and indexer with a PhD in literary history. I index and edit non-fiction, academic and business texts. I am an Intermediate Member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading, a student member of the Society of Indexers and a vetted partner of the Alliance of Independent Authors.